
As Principal of Whiston Willis, it is my privilege to welcome you to our school website.

The aim of our website is to provide any visitors with an insight into the life of our school and the work that is undertaken to ensure that all of our children receive the best possible academic education, pastoral support and social development through our commitment to excellence.

Academic excellence and social intelligence are at the heart of all that we do at Whiston Willis to develop aspirational life-long learners who are committed to their own self development to achieve excellence and be highly valued and respected future citizens of Whiston, Knowsley and beyond.

Ian Cooper




W​e are really pleased that our school has proven to be very popular again within our local community for Reception places for September 2023.

P​lease be aware that the closing date for applications for a Reception class place for September 2024 is Monday 15th January 2024

A​dmission arrangements and to application information can be found below:

Apply for a school place | Knowsley Council

I​f you have any questions or queries, then please contact our school office and a member of our EYFS team will contact you directly.

W​e really are looking forward to welcoming you!