At Whiston Willis, we believe in providing children with opportunities outside of the classroom to enable them to enjoy new experiences, develop new skills and strengthen and create new friendships and respect as peers; thus broadening their...
Pupil Leadership Team A huge part of being a Rights Respecting School ensures that pupils feel confident, and feel valued, to use their voice. At our school, our Pupil Leadership Team represent the voice of the child across the school. Our team...
Homework and Learning Links LETTER TO PARENTS Below are the links and expectations for your child’s homework platforms. Your child will have received a letter outlining their login details and QR codes which take you directly to the...
LETTER TO PARENTS Click below for your child's group phonic links: Reception Group A Ditty Book Red Group Green Group Purple Group Pink Group Yellow Group Blue Group Grey Group...
Our Eco lead is Mrs Hemnell This summer 2022 our Eco-Committee at Whiston Willis Primary Academy was awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag. Our eco-committee worked tirelessly enriching the lives of other pupils in our school, creating wildlife...
Volunteering and Charity Each year our pupils and their families support many local and national charity organisations. In recent years, these have included Macmillan Cancer research, Comic Relief, Sports Relief, Children in Need, The James...
Whiston Willis Primary Academy
Milton Avenue
L35 2XY
Tel: 0151 477 8270